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Save Yourself Hassle, Time, And Discomfort By Getting Your Heating And AC Repair Performed In The Off-Season | New Orleans, LA

Save Yourself Hassle, Time, And Discomfort By Getting Your Heating And AC Repair Performed In The Off-Season | New Orleans, LA

You don’t need a crystal ball to predict what heating and AC repairs you’re likely to need in the coming months, and what repairs you’ll need very soon. At bluefrog Home Services of New Orleans, we can gaze into the future using service information and the results of our system testing during annual maintenance visits. Our team’s experience provides a guide for us when providing heating and AC repair, so we take the right approach to avoid common problems. That’s especially true with maintenance, when we have a chance to thoroughly care for your system and identify both near-term heating and AC repair needs, and longer-term issues that are developing. With our professionals taking care of you, we can help you avoid emergency heating and AC repairs, perform routine repairs before they become more costly problems, and keep you up to date on how your system is doing. As part of maintenance we also provide tune-ups for your systems, which helps with efficiency and, for heating systems, protects your family against the risk of combustion gasses such as carbon monoxide leaking into your New Orleans, LA home.

Maintenance Keeps You Up to Date and Efficient

For both heating and AC repair needs, having a thorough maintenance visit helps identify problems that can be taken care of in a timely fashion, instead of having them become urgent heating and AC repair issues during the summer or winter. One example is the air circulation fan motors, which our experts can evaluate for wear and condition, and identify units that are nearing the end of their service life. We keep common fan motors and belts in our vehicles along with many other service parts and equipment, so that, with your approval, we can take care of many problems immediately and schedule others at your convenience. During maintenance, we’ll also spend time checking the combustion of your furnace and verifying the refrigerant in your AC system, checking for leaks with our sniffer if needed. These both help with efficiency and safety, keeping noxious fumes and harmful refrigerants from getting into your ducts. We’ll also check the starting sequence components, from your thermostat to the contactor and related AC components, and the ignitor and inducer for the furnace, plus all the sensors and other components that can block operation for safety reasons, even if the basic components such as motors and compressors are functioning ok. For the furnace, we’ll check the heat exchanger carefully, because that’s the barrier between the burner and your duct system that protects your family.

Cleaning Provides Efficiency and Reliability

Cleaning your condenser unit outside helps keep your AC system reliable and efficient, because everything inside is exposed to nature’s worst throughout the year. If your AC is unused during the winter, it might even become a home for small animals that seem to find their way into even tight enclosures, and bring nesting materials and sometimes borrow a few from your wiring or insulation inside the unit. Cleaning the contactor and wiring ensures that they work properly to start your AC reliably, and cleaning the coils is essential to improve efficiency, both indoors and out. Cleaning and sometimes deicing coils is a job for professionals though it might seem simple, because the components involved are delicate and repairs plus refrigerant replacement are costly. We’ll also check the rest of your refrigerant path carefully for leaks and damage, and make sure the lines leading to and from your New Orleans, LA home are properly insulated for protection and efficiency.

Listening for Trouble and Other Clues to Call Us

Another way to avoid trouble and urgent heating and AC repairs is to know what typical signs of developing problems can be. Noises are the most informative, especially noises that develop around your indoor or outdoor AC units or furnace that you haven’t heard before. You may hear repeated clicks that indicate the AC unit outside is trying to start that can’t, and buzzing sounds that also indicate starting or motor problems. The absence of sound can also be a concern when the dispersal fan that blows through the coils of the outside unit fails to run, resulting in much poorer cooling. Loud grinding or shrieking sounds from the outdoor unit can be signs of compressor trouble, and so you should shut down your system and call us right away. Indoors, sounds of squealing can indicate fan belt or motor trouble, while the sound of a fan inside the furnace without subsequent ignition is a clue that it needs attention to resolve startup issues. Odors can be important, especially if the sweet odor of refrigerant or the smell of gas from your furnace comes through your ducts. If your New Orleans, LA home doesn’t warm up to the right temperature or cool depending on the season, and your system keeps running, that can be a sign that your system is struggling and in poor condition. Our experts are always available to talk about your concerns about system operation, signs of trouble, or other ways that problems might reveal themselves before failure occurs. We’re always glad to check for trouble, and it can save time as it may make it easier to diagnose problems than starting with a system that’s no longer operating.

Your Preventive Care and Quick Heating and Air Conditioning Repair Experts

At bluefrog Home Services of New Orleans, our heating and AC repair team has not only skills and experience, but the wisdom required to help your comfort systems serve you reliably and efficiently. We’ve seen a lot, and when we provide your maintenance care we keep our experience in mind to reduce unexpected repairs. Whenever you need heating and AC repair, we’re the experts to call for quick service, and don’t forget to call and schedule your maintenance today!

Photo By zms at istock
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