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Drain Cleaning Process Step by Step

Drain Cleaning Process Step by Step

Professional drain cleaning services are one of the most requested plumbing services in the country. Each day, homeowners like yourself discover a drainage clog. Whether it’s in the bathroom, kitchen, or basement – it does not matter. The drain has clogged. Everything is running slowly. You need guaranteed results now – not tomorrow or the day after. Professional drain cleaning is the key. Here is the step-by-step process used by professional plumbing technicians in New Orleans.

Drain Cleaning Inspection

Typically, drainage systems will lose functionality and clog more often with particles including food, debris, grease, and so on. Another common cause is mineral buildup in the pipes. Mineral buildup is generally caused by hard water, which a whole-home water filtration system can rectify.

First and foremost, we need to locate the actual clog. An inspection is step number one.

Drainage Clog Removal

Step number two, and perhaps the most important of drain cleaning steps, is the removal of the clog. That seems like a no-brainer, right? It’s a little more complex than just pushing or pulling the clog from the drain, though.

Now, typically, to remove a severe drainage clog, we need to utilize a variety of specialized tools. The most basic tools at our disposal include a basin and pipe wrench, pliers, snake augers, and tubing cutters. With this toolset, we can remove most clogs.

What about more stubborn clogs? In that case, it’s time to break out the more advanced equipment. We’re talking about Hydro-Jetting.


So, we’ve broached the topic of Hydro-Jetting – a more advanced, complex form of professional drain cleaning. When a plunger or drain snake fails to satisfy the issue, this method is more profound and thorough.

Let’s begin with the basics. Hydro-Jetting utilizes a high-pressure stream of water pumped through a sprayer head and tubing, which allows us to reach every inch of the plumbing pipe. The pressure is high enough to remove any type of clog and clean the interior walls of the pipe, too.

While often used for preventative plumbing maintenance, Hydro-Jetting is a worthwhile service to combat recurring drainage clogs, too!

Why Professional Drain Cleaning

You’ve likely asked yourself what the point of professional drain cleaning is, right? Many homeowners have been in that same position. With a plunger stashed under the bathroom sink and drain cleaning chemicals available at every supermarket, why would you pay an expert to handle the situation? For a number of reasons, actually.

First and foremost, drain cleaning chemicals are ineffective. In fact, more often than not, these chemicals corrode your plumbing system, causing leaks and other issues.

With professional drain cleaning services, your home’s drain pipes and main sewer line are guaranteed to be cleaned and in working order by the end of the day. Such service ensures the issue is handled.

Schedule professional drain cleaning services with bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of New Orleans. You can call us at 504-291-6466!

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