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Benefits of Professional Water Heater Repair

Benefits of Professional Water Heater Repair

Chances of your new water heater failing are little to non since they are built to last a few decades before major repairs. However, frequent use can lead to wear and tear, forcing you to pay for repairs and maintenance services.

Repairing your water heater is not your typical DIY service and requires the expert knowledge of a water heater repair technician to get it right. Some of the challenges associated with water heaters are troubleshooting and finding a quick solution for the problem. However, working with a professional water heater gives you quality services and access to specialized tools for diagnosis.

Benefits of Working With a Professional Plumber on Your Water Heater


Water heaters are complex installations with connections to various heating elements. The water is often heated to very high temperatures and can burn you when mishandled. When repairing your water heater, your safety and those around you should be a top priority. A professional plumber is trained to secure the work area and other safety protocols to lower the risk of injury while working on your unit.

Some water heaters are connected to the electrical system supplying up to 240 volts. Water and electricity mixing can lead to serious injuries through electrocution or even burns. The same applies to gas-powered water heaters. Don’t risk your safety and your family by approaching this as a DIY. Contact a professional immediately if you develop issues with your unit.

Faster Diagnosis and Repair

Water heaters have numerous issues; some you can easily point out, while others need a thorough inspection. No matter the issue, you need specialized tools and training to address it effectively. Some of the tools used are expensive, with some requiring specialized training to use. This means it will take time before you can grasp the basics of handling water heater repair.

A water heater expert is trained and equipped to handle any problem in the shortest time possible. These professionals leverage their experience to manage multiple cases to troubleshoot your water heater problem and provide a solution; this way, you can access hot water in no time.

Water heater experts are also conversant with various water heater designs and functionality. This means they can easily disassemble and put back your system while observing safety protocols.

Observe Warranty Agreement

Your water heater comes with a warranty agreement covering repair and maintenance services within a given period. However, it’s worth noting that the manufacturer will only pay for the repairs if done by a licensed professional. Approaching this projected as DIY is likely to render your warranty obsolete, forcing you to pay for future repairs.

Aside from preserving your warranty, an expert understands the dynamics of your warranty, pointing out issues that qualify for a warranty claim. This means you don’t have to pay for repairs your warranty agreement can handle.

Professional Advice

Your water heater contributes significantly to the comfort of your home. This means any issues with your heater should be handled by a professional to get the best service. Dealing with a professional means you can access expert opinions on various issues related to the water heater, including the need for replacement.

During repairs, the expert offers valuable opinions for your heat source or tank size based on your needs and budget. They also partner with several manufacturers, meaning they know where to get quality spare parts for your water heater.

Note that different water heaters run at varied temperatures; this means exceeding the recommended range may affect the heater’s performance. An expert offers advice on the ideal temperatures for your water heater, thus prolonging the life span of your unit. Use this opportunity to ask more about preventive maintenance to reduce wear and tear to ensure your unit operates optimally.

Professional Service

Are they sure about what they are doing? Are they well-equipped? These are some of the questions a homeowner asks when hiring a technician to fix their water heater. Working with an expert gives you peace of mind since your unit is under the care of a professional. Licensed water heater repair technicians are trained and tested to handle multiple problems, making them the best choice for your water heater.

They are equipped with the latest tools needed for an effective and efficient repair service, getting your water heater running in no time. A reputable firm such as Bluefrog Home Services of New Orleans, LA, is dedicated to providing quality services to retain its standings and build long-term work relationships with clients.

Working with a professional gives your peace of mind that the repairs are done correctly with no hidden charges and shortcuts.

Long Water Heater Life Span

When repairing your water heater, the goal is for it to last longer without any major repairs. However, working with an unqualified technician increases the chances of paying for frequent repairs, especially if they provide temporary solutions. A professional heater repair service works to prevent issues from recurring to ensure your water heater enjoys a longer life.

Providing long-term solutions to your water saves you money in the long run. While it may seem expensive upfront, the benefits become visible in the long run with little to no repairs.

Consistent Flow of Hot water

A damaged water heater means you can’t enjoy the convenience of hot water. This is made worse by the accumulation of mineral salts in the hot water lines, interfering with the pressure and quality of water. Having a professional look at your system can quickly resolve these issues, providing you with a consistent flow of hot water.

Repair Your Water Heater with Bluefrog Home Services of New Orleans, LA

Don’t take chances with your water heater when it develops issues. No matter the problem, it’s advisable to have a professional look at your unit. This way, they not only solve the problem at hand but also provide preventive maintenance against future complications.

At Bluefrog Home Services of New Orleans, LA, we provide a wide range of services, including water heater repair. Contact us for more information on our services.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

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Emergency Water Heater Repair: What to Do When Your Heater Stops Working

Emergency Water Heater Repair: What to Do When Your Heater Stops Working

It’s a cold winter morning, and you step into the shower, ready for the warm embrace of hot water, only to be jolted awake by icy droplets. At that moment, you’d do almost anything to fix your water heater. But, while you may feel compelled to take matters into your own hands, emergency water heater repair is not a task that should be tackled with a DIY approach.

Different Types of Water Heaters

The most common types of water heaters include:

Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless or on-demand water heaters provide hot water instantly without the need for a storage tank. As soon as the hot water tap is opened, cold water flows through a pipe and into the unit. The water is then heated by either a gas burner or an electric element, ensuring a continuous supply of hot water.


  • Energy efficient: They use energy only when hot water is needed.
  • Compact size: They take up less space than storage tank water heaters.
  • Longer lifespan: They last longer than traditional water heaters (up to 20 years).


  • Expensive upfront cost: They are generally more costly to purchase and install.
  • Limited flow rate: They may not produce enough hot water to use multiple fixtures simultaneously.

Storage Tank Water Heaters

Storage tank water heaters are the most common type found in homes. They have a large insulated tank that holds and heats a certain amount of water (usually between 30 and 80 gallons). When you turn on the hot water tap, hot water is drawn from the top of the tank, and cold water enters the bottom to replace it.


  • Lower upfront cost: They are generally less expensive to purchase and install.
  • Easy to use and maintain: They are simple in design and operation.


  • Less energy efficient: They use energy to keep the water in the tank hot, even when not in operation.
  • Limited hot water supply: Once the tank is empty, it takes time to heat more water.
  • Larger size: They take up more space in your home.

Heat Pump Water Heaters

Heat pump water heaters, or hybrid water heaters, use electricity to move heat from the air or ground to heat the water in the tank. They can be two to three times more energy efficient than conventional electric water heaters.


  • Energy efficient: They use less energy than conventional electric water heaters.
  • Versatile: They can be used in various climates and conditions.


  • Higher upfront cost: They are more expensive to purchase and install.
  • Space limitations: They need enough space for air circulation to function correctly.

Solar Water Heaters

This system uses the sun’s energy to heat your home’s water. They typically consist of a solar collector and storage tank connected by pipes and valves. The solar collector absorbs the sun’s energy, which transfers to the water in the storage tank.


  • Energy saving: They can significantly reduce your energy bills.
  • Environmentally friendly: They produce no emissions and use no fossil fuels.


  • High upfront cost: Solar systems are generally more expensive than traditional water heaters.
  • Maintenance: The unit needs to be regularly maintained to ensure optimal performance.

Warning Signs of a Malfunctioning Water Heater

Monitoring your water heater’s performance and potential warning signs can often help prevent an emergency. Some common symptoms to look out for include:

Strange noises: If your water heater is making noises such as banging, clanging, or whining, it could be an indication that there’s a problem with the unit. This can be due to sediment build-up inside the tank or a damaged heating element.

Water leaks: Leaking water from the water heater is a clear sign of trouble. Leaks can be due to a faulty temperature-pressure relief valve, a cracked storage tank, or loose fittings and connections.

Rust: Rust can appear in your hot water or on your water heater’s tank itself. If you see rust, it’s a sign of potential internal corrosion, and the unit might be nearing the end of its service life.

Fluctuating water temperature: If the water temperature is unstable, varying from too hot to too cold, it may signal that your water heater needs maintenance, repair, or replacement.

If you notice these warning signs, schedule a water heater repair immediately.

Turning Off a Water Heater in Case of Emergency

Should you find yourself in a situation where your water heater needs emergency repair, follow these steps:

  • Turn off the power supply: For electric heaters, switch off the breaker in your electrical panel, and for gas heaters, turn off the gas valve.
  • Turn off the cold water supply: Locate the shut-off valve (usually on the top or side of the tank), and turn it clockwise to close it.
  • Open a hot water faucet: This step will relieve the pressure inside the tank by allowing the hot water to flow out of the system.
  • Drain the tank (optional): If necessary, drain the water heater by attaching a hose to the drain valve and directing it to a suitable location. Open the valve and allow the water to drain out.
  • Document and assess the situation: In preparation for your call to a professional plumber, take note of any visible issues, like leaks or signs of rust, and the age of your water heater.
  • Seek the services of a professional plumber: Contact a reputable, licensed plumbing company specializing in water heater repair. Describe the situation and schedule an appointment as soon as possible to prevent damages.

Leave Repairs to the Professionals

Amateur attempts at water heater repair can be dangerous, costly, and ineffective. Therefore, let the professionals handle your repair needs. As plumbing experts, they possess the skills and knowledge to diagnose the issue correctly and make proper repairs. Furthermore, a trained plumber can provide additional tips and advice for preventing similar problems later on.

Contact Bluefrog Home Services of New Orleans, LA today to learn more about our plumbing services and schedule an appointment with one of our experienced, licensed, and insured technicians.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

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How to Keep Your Drains Clear After a Drain Cleaning Service

How to Keep Your Drains Clear After a Drain Cleaning Service

Hiring a professional plumber for a drain cleaning service is a smart move if you want to keep your plumbing in good shape. Plumbers know how to clean your drains safely so the water flows freely. What you do after the service can impact how long those results last. Taking good care of your drains can prevent recurring clogs that can require another visit from a plumber soon than you expect.

Even though it’s mostly water that goes down your drains, it’s common for other small particles to make it into your pipes as well. That gunk can settle in the pipes and build up into a clog that can eventually block the pipe. Professional cleaning keeps the buildup to a minimum and keeps your drains flowing at maximum capacity. Follow these tips after you have a professional drain cleaning service to prevent new clogs.

Why Drain Cleaning Is Important

Your initial drain cleaning gives you a fresh start. It pushes all the gunk out of the pipes so they’re fully open. When clogs grow in your drains, they slow down the water, which is inconvenient when you’re trying to use your sinks or tubs. It can also encourage microbes to grow in the pipes, which creates an unhealthy situation. Even worse, clogs could cause damage to your pipes, which can make for expensive repairs.

Plumbers use professional tools to clean the insides of your pipes without damaging them. They’re more effective than home remedies or commercial drain cleaners, which are toxic and could damage your plumbing. Plus, they’re not usually very effective. Having a plumber clean your drains regularly keeps things flowing well.

Keep The Grease Away

Grease and oil can be a major issue when it comes to drain clogs. You could need another drain cleaning service quickly if you put grease down the drain. Even if the grease is liquid when you pour it down the drain, it won’t stay that way for long. Most types of grease and many oils solidify as they cool. If the grease doesn’t get flushed through the pipes completely, it could harden and block the pipe.

Never pour grease down your drains, even if you have a garbage disposal. Pour it into a disposable container and throw it away or dispose of it in another way. If your pan has a little grease remaining in it, wipe the grease out with a paper towel before washing or rinsing it in your sink.

Use Your Garbage Disposal Wisely

Your garbage disposal can grind up all sorts of things, but that doesn’t mean you should put everything down it. Being cautious with what you put in a garbage disposal keeps it working well and prevents clogs from forming deeper in the pipe. Really small things like pieces of oatmeal, coffee grounds, and seeds won’t get ground up by the disposal. They’ll likely go through it and sit in your plumbing, creating a clog. Anything that expands when it’s wet, such as bread and pasta, can also cause issues if it doesn’t get fully ground up.

Things you should keep out of the disposal include:

  • Grease
  • Foods that expand, including pasta, oatmeal, rice and bread
  • Potato and onion peels
  • Nuts, seeds and fruit pits
  • Fibrous fruits and vegetables
  • Hard items like bones or seafood shells
  • Eggshells
  • Coffee grounds
  • Non-food items

Scrape Your Dishes

If you don’t have a garbage disposal, be very careful about what goes in your sink. Scraping your dishes into the trash can reduce the chances of food particles going down the drain and causing a clog. Get the whole family used to scraping their plates before taking them to the sink.

Use A Hair Catcher

You might not have to worry about grease and food particles in your bathroom drains, but you have a higher risk of hair clogs, especially if anyone in the family has long hair. Using hair catchers in your tubs can keep some of the buildups from happening. You can find different types, including catchers that simply lay over your drain. Clean the hair from it regularly to keep the water draining well. If hairs fall into your bathroom sink while you get ready, wipe them out before they wash down the drain.

Run Water

When you use your sink, keep the water running for a little while to help move things through the pipe. Hot water can help keep any drops of grease from solidifying and help keep gunk from sitting in the pipes. Always run water when you use your garbage disposal to keep it working correctly.

Avoid the temptation to use harsh chemicals like bleach or chemical drain cleaners. These products can be hard on your plumbing system and could cause injuries to you if they splash on you. Home cleaning remedies can also be hard on your plumbing system. It’s best to prevent buildup by using your drains wisely and having professional cleanings regularly.

Schedule Yearly Drain Cleanings

You might have just had a drain cleaning service performed, but it shouldn’t be your last one. Even if you follow all these steps and don’t see signs of a clog, it’s still a good idea to have yearly cleanings. This helps keep things clean and sanitary before a problem develops. Find a trusted plumber to perform your yearly drain cleaning for consistency.

Are your drains moving slowly? Call bluefrog Home Services of New Orleans to get things moving again. Our fully licensed and trained team handles every service with high-quality craftsmanship and customer care. We’re available 24/7 for emergency clogs and other plumbing services that can’t wait.

See our most recent blog on the topic here.

Photo By ChayTee at istock

Some Common Problems That Require Professional Water Heater Repair Service

Some Common Problems That Require Professional Water Heater Repair Service

The water heater is an integral part of most residential plumbing systems. Whether you use a tankless water heater or the traditional one, it works hard behind the scenes to supply your family with the hot water needed for daily baths and showers, laundry, and dishwashing. Unfortunately, your water heater, like any other electromechanical equipment, can break down or develop issues that could reduce its performance or put your house and family in serious danger. However, irrespective of how much you enjoy solving problems in your home on your own, you should fight any temptation to repair a broken water heater on your own. This is because the job could put you and your family at risk of sustaining serious physical injuries. Besides, repairing your water heater on your own could end up costing you more time and money than hiring a professional would cost. Therefore, you need to have a professional water heater repair expert you can trust to help you handle any water heater issue you might run into. Below is a rundown of the most common water heater issues that should prompt you to make a quick call to your water heater expert.

Water Heater Leaks

This is perhaps the most common water heater problem that homeowners face. Under normal circumstances, no water should be leaking from your water heater, and therefore, the area around the appliance should be fairly dry. Therefore, if you have noticed that there is a puddle of water near your water heater, you have a legitimate reason to be concerned. Your water heater can leak water due to issues like loose pipes, faulty valves, improper water pressure, and physical damage to the tank. But whatever the cause of the problems might be, it can cause several serious problems. For instance, if the leaking water is too hot, it might put your children and pets at risk of getting seriously hurt. Besides, the leaking water might cause dampness that could invite mold infestation and consequently reduce the quality of your indoor air. Therefore, when you notice that your water heater is leaking, you need to call your professional water heater repair service to ensure that the leak is fixed promptly. Even if the leak seems small, fixing it on time will prevent it from getting worse

The Water Heater Is Not Heating Water

This is the most obvious sign of a water heater failure. Your water heater is essentially supposed to supply your house with hot water. Therefore, if the water coming from the appliance is cold, there is a good chance that it is broken. But before you can start looking for professional help, you need to check if your fuel tank is full or whether you have paid your gas bills. It is also important to check if the circuit breaker associated with your water heater has tripped. If you have ruled out these simple issues, you could be staring at a more serious water heater problem. Your water heater might fail to heat water due to issues like a faulty thermostat, malfunctioning heating elements, or a broken pilot light assembly. But whatever the cause of the issue might be, you will need a professional water heater repair expert to ensure that it is accurately diagnosed and repaired. Professionals deal with such issues every day, and they have the necessary training, experience, and tools to resolve the issues decisively.

Odd Water Heater Sounds

Of course, your water heater is not designed to work entirely silently. However, if you have used the appliance for more than a few months, you definitely know how it sounds under normal circumstances. Therefore, it is not hard to notice the sound of your water heater changes. If the appliance has become so noisy that it is interrupting your ability to focus on other things, then you will need to get it checked by a professional plumbing contractor. Different water heater notices will point to different problems. For example, a hissing sound may point to small leaks, while popping and cracking sounds could be a sign of too much sediment in the water heater tank. While the noise itself may be harmless, its underlying course could lead to more serious problems if it is not addressed promptly. For instance, if your water heater is producing popping and cracking sounds as a result of a huge accumulation of sediments, it may struggle to heat water and consequently consume more energy than it should or supply tepid water.

Discolored Water

The water coming from your water heater should be as clear as the cold water coming through other outlets. Therefore, if your hot water is discolored, there could be a problem with your water heater. In most cases, hot water discoloration is caused by rust in the water heater. But why would your water heater be rusting away? The water heater comes with a component known as the anode rod. The anode rod essentially alters the chemical status of the water in your water heater, which consequently prevents rusting. However, the rod can gradually wear out and lose its effectiveness. Unfortunately, this will eventually cause your water heater to rust and produce discolored water. In such a situation, you will need your water heater checked by a professional water heater repair service provider. Depending on the extent of the rust and the age of your water heater, the expert might simply change the anode rod or advise you to replace the water heater itself.

The Takeaway

As you can see, there are several water heater problems you can run into as a homeowner. Therefore, you need to have a water heater expert you can trust to help you tackle them. If you are looking for a dependable plumbing contractor to help you handle any water heater issue, bluefrog Home Services of New Orleans, LA, is your best bet. Call us for more information about our company and services.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Photo By Zolak at Shutterstock

Why Should A Water Heater Repair Technician Replace the Heating Element in Your Unit with A Flange-Type Heating Element?

Why Should A Water Heater Repair Technician Replace the Heating Element in Your Unit with A Flange-Type Heating Element?

A water heater is among your home’s essential electrical or plumbing appliances. It ensures you have enough hot water for all your needs, from showering, cooking, handwashing, or even drinking. However, a water heater is a single unit by itself. It also has several components, such as valves, dip tubes, expansion tanks, anode rods, and heating elements. While each has a very specific role in water heating, the heating element perhaps plays the greatest role — the actual heating of the water. There are three main heating elements a water heater repair technician can use to replace the damaged one, including low-density, high-density, and extra-low-density heating elements. An efficient way of accessing heated water is of the essence for homes, restaurants, or even industries. For this reason, most water heaters come equipped with a flange-style heating element.

What’s a Flange-Style Heating Element?

This electric heating element is commonly used for domestic, commercial, and industrial water heating units. Flange-style heaters comprise a metal sheath with a flange connected to a water heater tan with the help of four bolts. This allows it to be easily installed and removed during water heater maintenance and repairs. Flange-style water heating elements come in various sizes and shapes. However, they all have a flange made from corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel. The heating element could be made of copper, stainless steel, or aluminum coated with zinc or nickel-chromium, depending on the element type. The coating helps the even heat distribution, preventing the element from overheating.

Reasons For the Popularity of Flange-Type Element

The Highly Efficient Heating Element

Are you looking to purchase an efficient heating element for your home water heater? A flange-type electrical heating element is among the best options out there. While gas water heaters are generally effective at heating water compared to electrical water heaters, when it comes to elements, then flange-type heating elements certainly are highly popular. Flange elements are electric and can be submerged in your water heater for effective heating. Since they are bolted rather than screwed, they withstand electrical vibrations better than screw elements. Flange elements rely on electrical resistance to quickly produce heat transferred to the water. But what makes these heating elements highly efficient?

Ease Of Use And Installation

Flanged heaters aren’t difficult to install. Further, they are easy to use since their operations can be digitally controlled. You’ll have a more precise temperature control with the digital heat control. This is a welcome benefit as it helps prevent issues such as scalding or even an increase in the use of electrical power. Hence, you should have a water heater repair technician install a unit that uses flange-type elements if you want to control the water heating process conveniently.

Efficient Heat

Flange-type heating elements are emersion heaters, and this results in higher efficiency. These elements are connected on the bottom and upper sides of the water heater tank, directly emerging in the filling water. This direct contact with water means the heat will be directly transferred into the liquid. Hence, heat loss is not likely, meaning all the heat is used for the intended purpose. Flange-type elements are among the most efficient means of heating in the market. With the increased energy and heating efficiency, flange heaters are common in household and commercial water heating applications.

Heats Above Boiling

Most of the flange heaters are designed for heating water to over 230F to ensure. Hence, you can rely on this heater if you need boiling water. However, home applications don’t need such hot water. Fortunately, flange-type electrical heaters can be digitally controlled to heat water to your preferred levels. Hence, if you want warm water for showering or hot water for hand washing, worry not, for you still can get it all from leveraging these systems.

Simple Maintenance

The flange style elements are easy to maintain, which is one of their best features. The pressure can be removed as soon as the water heater repair technician installs the element into the tank or the tubing where the water we will boil is heated. The element can be pulled out when changes need to be made to that element. That’s how easy it is. Taking everything apart will not be necessary to get to the element; you can access it in just a few moments. That’s why so many facilities prefer the flange heating element.

Precise Temperature Control

In addition to having precise temperature control, electric heaters are also quite convenient. These units are usually attached to digital thermocouples so that you can precisely control the unit’s temperature. Electric heaters are often used in environments that require precise temperature control, which is much harder to achieve with a gas unit.

It Can Be Attached To Differently Sized Tanks

The other advantage of the flange element is that a water heater repair technician can attach it easily to differently-sized water heater units. Thus, you can adjust the water heating capacity without replacing the unit’s heating element. While larger elements are perfect for larger tanks, most heating elements are designed to function flexibly with different volume levels.

A high-quality heating element is one that effectively satisfies all of your water heating requirements. You don’t have the proper element if you can’t heat enough water to satisfy your home’s essential needs. The majority of electric flange-type elements will efficiently meet your home’s needs for water heating and will function in various environments. When installing a water heater in your home, you should look for quality heating elements that meet your needs.

While many heating elements can be installed at your home’s water heater, flange-type elements are the most popular. Do you want help choosing a flange-type element to replace the damaged one in your unit? Contact us at bluefrog Home Services of New Orleans, LA, for advice and to learn more.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Photo By omravestudio at Shutterstock

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