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AC Repair: Reasons You Should Never Skip Routine Heating And AC Check-Ups | Harvey, LA

AC Repair: Reasons You Should Never Skip Routine Heating And AC Check-Ups | Harvey, LA

Some homeowners in Harvey, LA, never bother to schedule a professional checkup so long as their HVAC is operating well. But skipping routine maintenance is a risky business because it ends up compromising the system’s performance.

As long as you are in the house, your HVAC system is practically running the whole time, causing it to wear out in the long run. That’s why professional technicians recommend conducting annual checkups. This regular maintenance allows the experts to spot any defects, preventing costly AC repairs.

Smart homeowners understand the importance of regular HVAC checkups and ensure their systems are thoroughly inspected before the summer and winter. During fall, they make sure the furnace is in proper condition to heat their home, and in spring, they ensure the AC has been properly inspected to cool their house.

Besides the costly repairs, neglecting your HVAC puts the comfort and health of your family at risk. Please keep reading to learn why it’s important to conduct preventive maintenance checks in the fall and spring.

Helps Protect Your Warranty

Even though a warranty could be a relief if your HVAC system fails to function properly, annual checkups for your system are similarly important. A warranty is only viable if it’s protected by strictly observing its terms of service. Most manufacturer warranties require routine and expert heating and AC maintenance to remain in force.

Otherwise, the manufacturer could render it void, meaning you’ll have to bear the burden of AC repair on your own. Discouraging, right? No need to worry. The best thing is to contact a professional air conditioning repair company to ensure your warranty stays in force by conducting regular and timely checkups for your unit.

Extends Your HVAC System’s Useful Life

If you’re a homeowner in Harvey, LA, and want to enjoy long years of your heating and AC system, then regular servicing of your unit is something to go by. Besides the usual tests that a professional conducts on your AC system to establish whether it’s working right, checkups encompass several other things such as replacing filters, removing blockages, lubricating moving parts, and cleaning evaporator coils.

This gives you peace of mind as you won’t be caught off guard with unexpected AC repairs and improves the unit’s longevity. In fact, regular maintenance prevents costly breakdowns by almost 95 percent.

Saves You Money

Efficiency is the most economical way to source new electricity. Servicing your AC system saves energy by reducing your total energy bills and making it less prone to breakdowns.

Regular preventive maintenance ensures your HVAC system’s peak efficiency; thus, homeowners can save up to 30 percent on their home’s energy bill.

Protection of Your Family and Environment

Regular inspection and servicing of your heating and air conditioning equipment protect your family from inhaling poisonous carbon monoxide gas that may cause suffocation or even death.

Having routine tune-ups for your HVAC system also ensures that the amount of energy being consumed by the unit is reduced; thus, lowering your home’s carbon emission to the environment.

A survey conducted in 2009 revealed that almost 90 percent of Americans have AC systems in their homes and estimated that this AC releases nearly 100 million tons of carbon dioxide every year.

On the same issue, scientists and environmentalists advocate for the regulation of HFCs in the atmosphere since it positively reduces global warming. Remember, a malfunctioning AC can contribute to HFCs emission into the air.

Improves Your Air Quality

Shockingly, indoor levels of airborne pollutants are two to five times compared to outdoor levels. This is not the environment you would want to find yourself in, especially if you or your loved ones suffer from respiratory issues such as asthma. Common indoor allergens include ordinary household dust, pollen, dust mites, pet dander, cigarette smoke, mold, and pollen.

An AC repair expert can professionally clean your AC system, and this ensures the warm or cold air flowing through the vents is clean and well-filtered.

Prevents Further Damage On The System

Imagine that summer you wake up to the discovery of a dead AC system! It can be such a frustrating moment. That’s the last thing you would want during the sweltering summers of Harvey, LA. To prevent such unpleasant surprises, having professional routine checkups may help identify any problem in advance so that you can schedule your AC repair promptly.

Helps Maintain Optimum Comfort Levels

A well-functioning heating and cooling system ensures uniform temperatures for all rooms in your home. However, if you notice some rooms are getting warmer than others, it may mean something is amiss with the AC system. Perhaps it could be a blockage or leak in the vent, causing it to distribute cool air in all rooms unevenly.

Regular checkups of the AC system by a qualified AC repair technician can help point out such errors.

Gives You Peace of Mind

Ideally, if you’re a homeowner chances are, you’re an adult and possibly with lots of responsibilities. There’s always a fear of the unknown that something might go wrong and could get you unprepared. At its very least, regular HVAC checkups keep you safe from AC malfunctions because you know the system is functioning efficiently.

bluefrog Home Services of New Orleans, LA | Your Heating And Cooling Solution

You can avoid most HVAC issues by conducting yearly HVAC maintenance. Skipping these checkups may cause you to spend more money when your unit breaks down unexpectedly. By investing in timely repairs and replacements, you can avoid these unnecessary AC repairs and lengthen the lifespan of your AC unit. This causes your system to function efficiently, and you end up saving money on the electric bill since it consumes less energy.

If you haven’t set up an annual HVAC maintenance yet, what are you waiting for? Avoid the inconveniences of unexpected AC repairs by contacting bluefrog Home Services of New Orleans for professional inspection services.

In addition to AC repair, we provide AC and new heating installation, filter and thermostat replacements, gas furnace repair, and heating system tune-ups. Give us a ring today!

Photo By fstop123 at istock
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