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8 Questions to Ask Before Drain Cleaning Service | New Orleans, LA

8 Questions to Ask Before Drain Cleaning Service | New Orleans, LA

Photo By photographer at istock

Are you looking to get drain cleaning service taken care of in your home? Well, if you want to make sure your New Orleans, LA home is well taken care of then you’re absolutely going to want to do just that. You’re also going to want to know what to ask the people you’re hiring before you bring them into your home or at least before you have them start the process. So, just what do you need to know before that drain cleaning service?

How Much Will This Cost?

You want to know how much the service is actually going to cost. What is the drain cleaning service going to be for you? You need to know charges before you actually get started because then you’re not going to be blindsided by the bill at the end. No one likes to get pulled in by a plumber showing up and then find out after the work has been done that there’s a whole lot more behind the scenes than you thought. You should ask this even if you see a price advertised for the drain cleaning service.

What Does Drain Cleaning Service Consist Of?

Next, you want to know exactly what that drain cleaning service is going to consist of. Just because there’s a standard array of tasks that are carried out through the course of drain cleaning doesn’t mean that every company is going to do it exactly the same. You want to know what you’re getting for the money and what you can expect. That way you don’t expect more than what you’re actually going to get from that particular service. You also don’t want to find yourself paying more than you thought because you’re getting more services (but you don’t know that).

What Happens if You Find Another Problem?

Ask the plumber who comes to your home what is going to happen if they find a problem during drain cleaning service. What do they do if there’s something there? Do they take care of it immediately? Will they talk to you before they do anything about it? Can they fix it immediately if you authorize it? You don’t want to be blindsided by additional expenses because a secondary problem was found and the plumber just decided to do something about it on their own.

Are There Any Specials?

Just because you were told the cost of something doesn’t mean that it’s the final price. You can absolutely ask if there are any specials or discounts going on at the moment. If there are then you absolutely want to take advantage of those. If there aren’t … there’s no harm in asking, right? So, what do you have to lose by asking about this? You have a whole lot to gain because you could end up saving a good amount of money if there really is something happening at that time.

How Long Is This Going to Take?

You want to make sure that you know about how long something is going to take. You don’t want to be stuck at home for hours for something you thought would only take one hour or less. You want to be sure that you’re prepared for whatever it’s going to be. If it’s a general drain cleaning service then it shouldn’t take too long. If it’s something more extensive you could be waiting for a few hours to get it all taken care of. The most important thing is just that you’re prepared for whatever it will be.

When Will You Be Here?

If you’re calling to schedule an appointment you want to know when you can expect the team to show up. You don’t want to wait around forever for that drain cleaning. You want to know when they’re going to be there within a short amount of time. So, maybe within an hour or within a couple hours. They might tell you that they will be there between noon and two or between 10 and noon. The time frame should be reasonable and should allow you to plan your day relatively easily.

What Do You Need from Me?

Find out if they expect you to do anything in regards to the appointment. Do they need you to hang around and answer questions as they’re working? Would they rather you just went on about your day and left them to the job at hand? You want to know what’s really expected of you so that you can be where you need to be. This might also include not using the water during the time they’re present or getting together an idea of what’s going on or what you’re experiencing as the problem.

Are You Licensed?

This is a really big one because you want to hire a drain cleaning service that is licensed, bonded and insured. If they are then it means that you’re going to be better protected in case something happens on your property (and so are they). If they’re not and something happens it could be your responsibility to take care of it. That’s definitely not something that you want to take on so make sure that you’re talking with the plumber who is going to come out for drain cleaning and that you know whether they have these certifications.

If you’re ready for drain cleaning or any other type of service you absolutely want to talk with bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of New Orleans, LA. You don’t want to wait around for problems in your home. Instead, make sure that you’re scheduling regular drain cleaning and that you’re getting it done by a professional. We’ll answer all of your questions and make sure that you’re ready for anything. All you need to do is give us a call and schedule your appointment. We can take care of minor problems, major problems and anything that you might be experiencing in between. And we’ll do it in no time at all.

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