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Saving Money On Your Water Bill: How A Plumber Can Help | New Orleans, LA

Saving Money On Your Water Bill: How A Plumber Can Help | New Orleans, LA

Photo By spxChrome at istock

When you own a home, it can feel like you’re constantly spending all your hard-earned money on bills. From having electricity in your home to maintaining access to running water, there are a lot of things you have to keep up with as a homeowner. The good news is, a few tips from a plumber can make it a lot easier to save on your water bill. If you want to use less water in your New Orleans, LA, home and save money, here’s what you can do.

Water-Saving Fixtures & Appliances

Hands down the best thing you can do if you want to use less water in your home is to upgrade to appliances and fixtures that use less water. Appliances and fixtures can use a lot of water, especially older models. Having a plumber upgrade a faucet or install a new dishwasher could save you a lot of money when it comes to your monthly water bill.

Make sure you prioritize the appliances and fixtures in your home that use the most water. While it’s never bad to have modern fixtures and appliances, you have to consider whether you take long showers, wash dishes by hand or do anything else that might make certain things a priority.

If you want to know more about water-saving appliances and fixtures and how they can benefit you, a quick Google search will provide you with plenty of information about GPM and water conservation. Newer fixtures and appliances use a lot less water, with some reducing water use by up to half. A little research can also be a big help when it comes to deciding what you want a plumber to upgrade in your home.

The Easy Route

If you don’t want to have new fixtures or appliances installed in your home, there are other ways to reduce how much water they use. Simple aerators and other attachments can cut water use by a significant amount, which helps you save money and lessens your impact on the environment.

In some cities, water utility companies will actually send out free kits that allow you to turn your showerheads and faucets into water-saving fixtures. Not only are these kits easy to install in just a few minutes, but you also might be able to get them for free depending on the city.

Of course, it’s important to remember that only some things can be modified to save water. If you want a dishwasher or washing machine to use less water, you’re going to have to talk to a plumber about upgrading to a newer model.

Pipe Size

Pipe size can also play a role in the rate at which water flows through your home. The larger a pipe is, the more water can flow through it at a higher pressure. While this isn’t the most common cause of excess water usage, it’s something to ask your plumber about if you feel like your water bill is too high.

Water lines only need to be half-inch pipes for residential use, and anything bigger than that could lead to excessive pressure and wasted water. If you ever notice your water lines are larger than they should be, it’s a good idea to call a professional and have them check things out.

Water Meter

Every time you run water, a water meter is responsible for determining how much water you used so you can be billed for that water usage. The problem is, these water meters aren’t perfect, so it could be your meter that’s leading to a higher-than-usual water bill. What’s even worse is the fact that most people don’t know where their water meter is or how to take a look at it, which makes this a tough job to handle at times.

If you think your water meter might be malfunctioning, call a New Orleans, LA plumber as soon as possible. Not only can water meter problems cost you more money, but they can also lead to serious leaks or leave your home with no water. Water meter problems should always be a top priority when it comes to taking care of your home’s plumbing system.

Water-Saving Tips

While there are a lot of ways a plumber can help you save water and reduce your water bill, it’s ultimately up to you to use less water and save money. There are tons of little things you can do to cut back on water usage and save a little bit of money, from repurposing water to simply changing your habits a bit.

One mistake a lot of people make is leaving faucets running too often. While it can be tempting to keep the faucet running while you scrub a dish or brush your teeth, leaving the faucet on can add up to a significant amount of water usage over the course of a month. Plus, you’re putting more strain on your plumbing system than is necessary.

You can also repurpose greywater (water from faucets, tubs, and other fixtures that don’t contain fecal matter) to water your plants. Little changes like this can make a big difference when it comes to how much water you use, especially when you also have a plumber help you install water-saving fixtures and appliances.

Call bluefrog Today

If you’re like most people, you care about saving money and saving the environment. The trouble is, that’s not always an easy task with all the water you have to use to live comfortably. Fortunately, cutting back a little bit can make a big difference.

When you need help reducing your water usage and saving some money, bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of New Orleans can help. We’ve got several years of experience, which includes helping customers upgrade to modern, water-saving fixtures and appliances to save money. If you need a plumber to help you cut back on water usage, give bluefrog Plumbing + Drain a call at (504) 229-4848.

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