Plumber Tips: Does My Sewer Line Need Repair? | Harvey, LA
Photo By cmannphoto at istock
A damaged sewer line can lead to a more serious plumbing problem when neglected by the homeowner. It’s important to call a plumber immediately at the first sign of a sewer line issue. How do you know your sewer line needs repair? Check below for some signs:
Foul Odor
When your sewer line is working perfectly, there should be no smell coming from your line. But when there’s something wrong, you will notice some foul odor that may be dangerous to your health. Do not ignore sewage smells as it may lead to expensive plumbing emergencies and even pose a serious risk to your health. Call a plumber immediately so they can check your sewage line and pinpoint the problem that needs to be resolved.
Slow Drains
When water doesn’t drain right away, it could be because there is a clog or the problem is in your main sewer line. It’s a serious problem when the water comes back up the drain. Some homeowners may attempt to try chemical-based cleaners to fix a clog, but if the problem is in the sewer line, it is better to contact a professional instead. Do not attempt a quick DIY fix to avoid further damage to your plumbing system.
Toilet Backs Up After Flushing
One of the signs of a broken sewage line is when the toilet backs up either raw sewage or clear water. Another is when the water level in the toilet is simply inconsistent. When you experience high levels of water today and low levels of water the next day, there could be an even more serious problem in the sewer line. The best solution would be to call a plumber in Harvey, LA so they can inspect and resolve the plumbing problem.
More Pests
Do not wait for more pests to settle in your homes. If you have noticed rats and insects inside, this could be a sewer line problem. When homeowners neglect this problem, it’s only a matter of time when they start to nest in the walls or hide in the corners. Remember that rats carry diseases that are extremely harmful to your health. Do something asap at the first sign of pests lurking in your homes. Call a plumber so they can do a proper inspection of your sewage and line and resolve the issue. You may also call your pest control and see if they can help. If it persists, the problem definitely is your plumbing.
Multiple Plumbing Issues
Experiencing several problems at once could be a sign of a broken sewage line. For example, you use the shower and water backs up in your toilet or in the other appliances at once. When this happens, call a professional in Harvey, LA immediately. With the right plumbing tools and equipment, the plumber should be able to diagnose the root cause of the problem and talk to you about the solutions needed to be done. It’s important that you call for professional help to minimize more damage to your plumbing system.
Molds In Your Walls
When your sewer line is broken, water may seep into your homes and results in mold growth in your walls. Watch out for any water leaking in your walls to prevent mold from growing. If you notice any discoloration in your walls or near your toilet, schedule an appointment with your plumber so they can do an inspection. Do not ignore molds as they can damage the structure of your homes.
Gurgling Toilet Noises
You should not hear any strange noises in your toilet especially when no one is using it. When water can’t get into the sewer line because of a clog, it goes back into the toilet and you will most likely see bubbles coming up into the toilet bowl. This is a sure sign of a broken sewer line. You need to call for help immediately to avoid a major sewage problem that will cost you more money.
Foundation Cracks
When your foundation cracks due to an untreated problem in your sewer lines, you will have a major plumbing issue concerning your home’s foundation. It may not be enough to consult a plumbing professional. This is why scheduling regular maintenance with a plumber is extremely important. Licensed professionals can do a thorough inspection of your home including the sewer line and the foundation.
Greener Lawn
While sewage problems can be incredibly inconvenient, they do wonders for your grass and plants outside as they serve as good fertilizers. When your grasses and plants are suddenly looking incredibly green — especially those closer to the pipes – there could be a problem with your sewer. Contact a professional right away so they can do an inspection.
Call a Plumber ASAP
If you want to keep your home safe, never postpone sewer line repairs or worse, completely neglect it. Doing the latter may lead to irreversible plumbing emergencies. Think about how much it would cost you to completely replace whatever is damaged, and how inconvenient it will be for you and your family. Do something right away as soon as you notice early warning signs.
Get In Touch with bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of New Orleans
You will know almost immediately when you have a sewer line problem. When this happens, contact bluefrog so we can help you resolve your problem quickly. All our plumbers are fully trained and licensed. They work hard to provide exceptional service to all our clients. Let us know what your problem is and we are always ready to assist.
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Call us at bluefrog Plumbing + Drain now to set an appointment.