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Easy Ways to Take Better Care of Your Plumbing System | Tips from Your Trusted New Orleans, LA Plumbing Repair Service Provider

Easy Ways to Take Better Care of Your Plumbing System | Tips from Your Trusted New Orleans, LA Plumbing Repair Service Provider

Photo By Coryn at Shutterstock

Plumbing repair can become expensive if you are in continual need of them. As a result, your plumbing system is is something that New Orleans, LA residents should seek to take care of as possible. Fortunately, you have a fair amount of influence over the state of their plumbing system, meaning that they are not helpless in this regard.

Here are some examples of how New Orleans, LA you can minimize the constant need for plumbing repairs:

Don’t Put Anything Down a Drain That It Wasn’t Meant to Handle

It is very common for people to put a wide range of things down their drains, which is a serious problem because drains were never meant to handle them. For example, when people put either oil or grease down their drains, those substances can congeal in their plumbing systems. On its own, this would be bad enough because the congealed substances can create a blockage. However, what can be even more problematic is when the congealed substances cause other things to get stuck in the plumbing systems, which has the potential to turn a partial blockage into a complete blockage. Likewise, neither rice nor noodles should go down the drains because they can expand when they are exposed to excessive amounts of moisture, meaning that they are also a potential cause for blockages because they can take up much more volume than what you might expect. Other things that should never go down the drains so that New Orleans, LA residents can avoid plumbing repair include but are not limited to eggshells, coffee grounds, and even moisture-absorbent paper products. If you have even the slightest uncertainty about whether something can go down the drains or not, chances are good that they should choose some other method for getting rid of it.

Have Drain Screens Installed

On a related note, it is a good idea for you to have drain screens installed on their drains. This is because they won’t always have perfect control over what is going down their drains, meaning that having a backup to handle such matters can prove to be very useful. For instance, when someone is showering, some of their hair can get washed down their drains. If they have a drain screen installed, that hair will get caught before it can go down the drain. In contrast, if they don’t have a drain screen installed, that hair will go down the drain to become a potential cause for plumbing repair because it won’t be breaking down anytime soon. Cleaning out drain screens might be unpleasant, but it is nonetheless better than having to pay for plumbing repair for a plumbing problem that could have been prevented.

Get Regular Drain Cleaning

Unfortunately, you can experience blockages in their plumbing systems even if they take the proper precautions. As a result, they might want to look into providing their plumbing systems with a drain cleaning on a regular basis, which should minimize the chances of a blockage bad enough to need plumbing repair by eliminating build-up in the pipes. Some people might be tempted to handle this on their own. However, they need to be very careful when it comes to drain cleaners because anything that is too strong can cause serious damage to the material that their pipes are made out of, particularly if they use them again and again and again. Instead, it might be better for them to seek out a professional plumber for regular drain cleaning services, which is just one of the many ways that a bit of preventative maintenance can extend the useful lifespan of their home systems.

Don’t Put Too Much Pressure on the System

It is important to note that plumbing repair is inevitable. Yes, it is possible to reduce the need for it, but it isn’t possible to eliminate the need for it. This is because plumbing systems will build up wear and tear through their routine use, which will have a negative effect on their performance over time. Fortunately, you can reduce the wear and tear on their plumbing systems by reducing the pressure placed upon them, which can be accomplished through a number of means. For example, it is better to turn faucets on and off in a slow and measured manner rather than as fast as possible. Likewise, it is a good idea to keep the water pressure at a reasonable level between 40 and 60 PSI, particularly for plumbing systems with a lot of bends and curves that can increase the rate at which water erodes the pipes.

Monitor for Signs of Concern

You should keep a watchful eye on their plumbing systems for signs for concern. They won’t always be able to catch them, particularly since plumbing systems tend to be out-of-sight and thus out-of-mind. However, if they manage to do so, they can save themselves a lot of frustration in the long run because plumbing problems can become worse and worse within a very short period of time. One excellent example of something to watch out for would be unusual clogging patterns, which can mean frequent clogs as well as simultaneous clogs. In the first case, that could mean a blockage in the plumbing system, while in the second case, that could mean an issue with the sewer line. Another excellent example would be a noticeable but unexplained change on the water bill, which could mean that there is a leak somewhere in the plumbing system. Something that needs to be corrected sooner rather than later because excess moisture can encourage the growth of mold and mildew on top of a host of other serious problems.

Contact Us

The professional plumbers at bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of New Orleans, LA are the best people to ask for advice on how to prevent the need for plumbing repair as much as possible. They are the ones with the relevant expertise, experience, and equipment, meaning that they can be very useful for you on this as well as other plumbing matters. As such, those who are curious shouldn’t hesitate to contact us at their earliest convenience.

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