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Common Packaged Air Conditioners Issues That Require AC Repair | Harvey, LA

Common Packaged Air Conditioners Issues That Require AC Repair | Harvey, LA

Over 102 million homes in the country have air conditioning equipment that meets their cold-air needs. Packaged terminal air conditioners (PTACs) are one of the numerous options of ACs used in hospitals, apartments, and hotels in Harvey, LA. HVAC technicians also install the system in homes for enhanced temperature-related comfort during the cold and hot seasons because it acts as a cooler and heater.

The package air conditioners are ductless and a bigger version of the room or window air conditioners. Like other appliances, PTACs can also be problematic for people using them, hence the need for urgent AC repair services. Some of the problems to expect while using the package terminal air conditioners include:


Most home and apartment owners encounter leaks in their package air conditioners. The leakages could be due to dirty evaporator coils that fail to suck warm air that forms condensation in the unit.

Condensation typically flows out of the system through the drain line and pans and finally to the plumbing drains. But, dirty evaporator coils full of dirt, debris, or mold can clog the drainage, making the condensation have nowhere to go, hence the leaking. The condensation can also mix with the dirt, causing more problems than require AC repair services.

Mold Growth

Also, package air conditioning units are notorious culprits of moisture build-up from the outdoor air. The problem might seem microscopic to you but is capable of creating a sizable dent in your wallet because of numerous air conditioner repair services or mold removal. Installed close to windows, the risk of water entering the air conditioner is high, especially if the weather stripping in between the PTAC and the sleeve is faulty.

Mold spores thrive in moist places and can lead to health issues such as allergic reactions in the eyes, asthmatic attacks, and persistent sneezing. The mold can also make wooden parts of your home and furniture rot, hence expensive replacements and remodeling to restore the structural integrity of your house. The best way to eliminate the mold from your house is to control moisture levels.

The technician you hire for AC repair services ensures the tilt of the unit in various places is consistent, reducing water entry into the AC. Proper installation of the weather stripping and internal drains can reduce the amount of water in the Air conditioning appliance.

Dirty Air Filters

HVAC filters are the reason behind the healthy indoor air quality in your Harvey, LA, home because they trap pet dander, pollutants, dust, and fungal spores. The filters prevent contaminants from entering the package air conditioning unit.

Dirty air filters are a real pain to homeowners. The package units in the windows may have sticks, leaves, and dust clogging the air filtration. The blocked air filters cause numerous AC issues, including high utility bills and malfunctioning coils. They can also lead to a sudden breakdown of your unit without prompt AC repair and replacement services.

For that reason, it is vital to make sure your replacement, pleated, HEPA, and flat fiberglass filters in your package air conditioners are clean. Frequently cleaning and replacing the filters protects your unit from sudden failure and the health of your inhabitants. Therefore, keeping the PTAC unit clean is one way of ensuring all its components are operating efficiently.

Malfunctioned Compressor

Another issue that people using PTAC units experience is compressor-related. Typically, the compressor compresses the refrigerant, allowing it to cool the evaporator coils that suck heat and humidity from your house. When warming the rooms, the compressor sends warm air to the rooms.

The compressor of the PTAC air conditioner may fail due to blocked condenser coils, lack of lubrication, or damaged suction lines. Without prompt AC repair services of the damaged and clogged condenser coils and suction lines, the compressor acts up and cannot send cold air to the evaporator coils that suck heat from your home in exchange for supplying cold air.

The malfunctioning compressor can also make the heat pump hassle to warm your home, increasing discomfort that may compel you to call a nearby HVAC company for emergency AC repair services.

Leaking Refrigerant

In addition to the above problems, the refrigerant in the package terminal air conditioner can also leak and need a competent AC repair expert to fix the issue. The refrigerant is vital in the refrigeration process that absorbs heat from rooms.

When the coolant leaks, the factory-set amount of the refrigerant reduces, leading to an undercharged system. The low levels of coolant lead to freezing evaporator coils, reduces the suction and discharge pressures, overheating compressor, and high superheat in the coils, affecting the cooling capacity of the air conditioning equipment.

A qualified and skilled air conditioner repair technician has the experience to replace the ozone-layer depleting refrigerant within 30 days from the day it starts to leak. However, if the HVAC contractor you hire to replace the lost coolant is not keen on the factory-required refrigerant amount and exceeds the standard level, it leads to an overcharged system.

The excess refrigerant increases the pressure and flooding in air conditioning equipment, decreasing its efficiency. Therefore, to prevent the problems of undercharging or overcharging the equipment, it is best to get an expert from a well-known and reliable AC repair company to replace the leaking refrigerant.

Frozen Evaporator Coils

Lastly, homeowners can also face problems related to frozen evaporator coils. Causes of the freezing evaporator coils include low coolant levels and dirty air filters. Dirty filters in the package air conditioner block the flow of air to the evaporator coils, compromising the ability of the refrigerant and the coils to remove warm air from your rooms.

When the refrigerant does not receive warm air, it becomes ice-cold, making any moisture in the evaporator coils freeze. An AC repair professional can thaw the coils to allow the refrigerant to absorb heat after changing or cleaning the air filter to restore the optimal performance of the packaged terminal air conditioners.

Call Us Today!

If your package air conditioner is acting up, you can call bluefrog Home Services of New Orleans. Our HVAC company in Harvey, LA, has a team of friendly, experienced and professional technicians, offering quality and competent services that meet the cooling needs of its clients. Call us today for top-notch services.

Photo By Chad Robertson Media at Shutterstock
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